• 마라도와 가파도 여행은 운진항 [모슬포 남항]에서 직항으로 출발합니다 ~~~
  • 마라도와 가파도 여행은 운진항 [모슬포 남항]에서 직항으로 출발합니다 ~~~
장식요소 장식요소


아름다운 섬나라에서 알려드립니다.



2021-04-08 조회수6211

첨부 파일 :



UNJIN port to MARA Island (crossing time : 25 min.)

UNJIN port to GAPA Island (crossing time : 10 min.)

  -> Please check the daily ferry schedule '실시간 운항정보 or 운항시간표'.

* During the green barley season in 3 ~ 5, there are additional ferries operated every 30 minutes.

* round trip(1 day trip) ticketing has a fixed time. (around 90 ~ 150 min. in MARA or GAPA Island) 

  - Walking around MARA Island takes 40~50 min. 

  - Walking around GAPA Island takes 1 hour 30 min. 

  - In case you need more time, 1) In MARA, please call to inquire about time changes. 2) In GAPA, please visit to GAPA office near the dock.

Traveler requirements

- Customers must fill out a travel information form


Address : UNJIN port (Choinamdan Haean-ro 120, DaeJung-eup, Seogwipo-si / 운진항, 서귀포시 대정읍 최남단해안로 120)

Office : 064-794-5490

KAKAOTALK : tromso44 / P.N. 010 5477 1567 (text only)


Enjoy your journey.


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